
I’m Manuel Iwinai Sánchez Fuquene, a Colombian musician, producer, and audio, mixing, and recording engineer now based in Los Angeles. My journey has been nothing short of extraordinary, transforming from a young boy in the vibrant streets of Bogotá to working in the most prestigious studios of Hollywood, overcoming challenges that once seemed insurmountable.

My passion for music ignited early in Bogotá, and by the age of 9, I was already deeply immersed in the world of sound, laying the foundation for what would eventually become a remarkable career. After completing my initial studies in Colombia, my ambitions led me to Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA—one of the most prestigious music schools in the world. Armed with a guitar and an unwavering drive, I prepared for the most important audition of my life. I gave it my all: countless sleepless nights, relentless effort, and the unwavering support of my family. Instead of choosing a complex piece, I performed an original composition with full band arrangements, staying true to what made me fall in love with music. Against all odds, I earned a scholarship, a pivotal moment that not only impressed the judges but also set the course for my international career.

Arriving in Boston in 2018 felt like starting anew. I had to navigate a new culture, language, and city that challenged me at every turn. Yet, despite these hurdles, I grew as person and as a musician at Berklee, learning from world-class mentors and building lifelong friendships and professional connections. Every sacrifice, every moment of doubt, was worth it when I proudly graduated in 2021.

Los Angeles was my next chapter—a city where dreams and ambitions constantly collide. I started from the ground up, working in recording studios, taking on internships, and tirelessly striving to establish myself in one of the most competitive industries in the world. Eventually, I found my place at Igloo Music, where I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with industry giants like Gustavo Borner, a 15-time Grammy winner. My time at Igloo Music has not only refined my technical skills but also taught me how to anticipate and adapt to future trends in music production and sound engineering. Today, I am grateful to have been part of over 100 shows and films for major studios like Netflix, Disney, Hulu, and Amazon. But beyond these professional accomplishments, I’ve grown immensely as a person. Learning how to adapt to a newBeyond these professional achievements, I’ve experienced significant personal growth. Adapting to a new country and city has pushed me out of my comfort zone, teaching me the value of independence and resilience.

As I look to the future, I’m excited about the endless possibilities that lie ahead. The music industry is in constant evolution, and my goal is to continue pushing boundaries within this dynamic landscape. I’m dedicated to honing my craft, with the aspiration of improving as a mixing engineer and music producer. With a solid track record and many exciting projects on the horizon—including the release of my first single and my involvement in various shows as a sound engineer—the future is brimming with promise.

My journey is a testament to the power of determination and passion, proving that any dream is achievable, no matter how distant it may seem. It’s a story of perseverance, talent, and an unwavering commitment to artistic excellence—qualities that position me as a name to watch in the world of music and audio engineering.